
- Allen Carr’s Easy Way to Stop Smoking

Tai nėra patarimų knyga. Ji nėra skirta sąmoningam suvokimui. Nereikia mėginti jos suprasti protu. Nieko nebus. Nes knygos tekstas (meginant suvokti racionaliai) yra pakankamai tiesmukas, bukas ir su daugybe pasikartojimų.
Nenoriu mistifikuoti šios knygos poveikio, bet manau, kad Alanui Karui į knygos tekstą pavyko įvesti kodą, kuris "kala" į žmogaus smegenis būtent per pasamone. Kryptingai koduotas tekstas yra galingas ginklas.
Na, mano atveju taip sutapo, kad kito pasirinkimo nelabai ir turejau del aplinkos ir siaip nesiruosiau moketi kokiu ten 4 euru uz cigaretes.
Beje, Alan Karas paskatintas neįtikėtino šios knygos pasisekimo dar yra prašęs panašias knygas apie metimą gerti, priklausomybę nuo narkotikų ir svorio reguliavimą.


- Dreaming is believing

Mel: Sometimes I wish that you could just hit the sack and never wake up. If your favorite song never ended, or your best book never closed, if the emotions mustered from these things would just go on and on, who wouldn't want to stay asleep? The guy who discovers that perpetual dream, he's my man.

* Movie 'The Good Night' (2007)


- The air I breath

Happiness: I always wondered, when a butterfly leaves the safety of its cocoon, does it realize how beautiful it has become? Or does it still just see itself as a caterpillar?
Pleasure: As far back as I can remember, I've never lost a fight. I didn't fight well because I was big or fast or mean. I fought well because I could see the future. The problem with seeing the future is that it only comes in bits and pieces, like a reflection in a broken mirror. After a while though it's like playing a video game in your head. Do it enough times and you know all the moves.
Pleasure: Sometimes the things you can't change end up changing you.
Pleasure: When you can see the future, you think you're capable of changing it. But you're just a witness to coming moments, unable to help, even if you wanted to and maybe you don't. Sometimes you think you're supposed to learn something, about patience or distance, but in the end it's all about discipline. Seeing things you don't always want to and just moving on. After a while things become easier. Your dream keeps your mind from wandering. You begin to accept things as they are. Every man has his destiny. You can't escape it, even if you can see it coming.
* movie: The air I breath


- London.

miestas - tikra maisalyne.. Nezinau, ar del oro, ar del metro (kuriu siaip nemegstu del klaustrofobijos deja :?) man pasirode nejaukus... Nors, itariu, imanoma priprasti
tik neisivaizduoju ar imanoma priprasti prie kainu..:)nors turbut atpranti paskui viska is 5 dauginti :)

- Lituania en Buenafuente!/ Lietuva Ispanijos televizijoj

Buenafuente - labai populiari cia jumoro laida, rodoma velai vakarais. Romero - vienas is ju jumoristu. Jiems atsiute kazkas is Lietuvos zurnala, kur kryziazodi susidelioja jo pavarde. Del to jiems labai smagu ir linksma, kad net Lietuvoj ji zino. Tikrai labai linksma laida,net as juokiuosi:)

- Lithuania in TravelChannel

Snoopy con su mejor amigo pajarito