
- traditions V

Pagal tradiciją žmonės suvalgo 12 vynuogių – po vieną kiekvienam laikrodžio dūžiui, kad sėkmė lydėtų visus metus. (daznai jas pasiruosia is anskto, nulupa, isima kauliukus, kad suspetu:)

In Spain, the special tradition is to eat 12 grapes in 12 seconds as the clock bells mark the final twelve hours of the year!
The story goes that some years ago (well, around 1909) there was a bumper crop of table grapes in Alicante and the farmers were going to have tons of surplus grapes that would just rot unless they could somehow get people to buy them. Someone had the bright idea to promote the idea of eating 12 grapes to celebrate the 12 rings of the bell to ring in the New Year and the rest, is history.

Straispnis apie Naujuju sutikima Ispanijoje
Naujieji Ispanijoje – su vynuogėmis ir varpo dūžiais

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- Lituania en Buenafuente!/ Lietuva Ispanijos televizijoj

Buenafuente - labai populiari cia jumoro laida, rodoma velai vakarais. Romero - vienas is ju jumoristu. Jiems atsiute kazkas is Lietuvos zurnala, kur kryziazodi susidelioja jo pavarde. Del to jiems labai smagu ir linksma, kad net Lietuvoj ji zino. Tikrai labai linksma laida,net as juokiuosi:)

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